
Physicians from six affiliated hospitals mentor students in such areas as trauma, joint replacement, and orthopedic oncology.
Orthopedics Department

The Department of Orthopedics at the Tel Aviv University includes 100 clinical physicians from six affiliated hospitals. The department runs teaching programs and academic activities, which are conducted within the clerkships. Students in their 5th year of the Israeli program or in their 3rd year of the American program acquire knowledge and basic clinical skills in a variety of orthopedic specialties. These specialities include:

  • trauma
  • sports injuries
  • pediatric orthopedics
  • joint replacement
  • spinal disorders
  • metabolic bone diseases
  • shoulder diseases
  • hand, foot and ankle
  • orthopedic oncology


The Department also offers a teaching and research program for residents within the School of Continuing Medical Education. It enables practicing physicians to expand their knowledge in orthopedics and related fields of interest. Topics covered include rehabilitation, rheumatology, physical therapy, imaging, and occupational therapy. Lectures and sessions are taught by recognized leaders in the field. 


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