Scholarships for Ph.D. Students

Lab research
Qualified applicants are eligible to apply for a scholarship and monthly stipend.

To be eligible for a scholarship, students must:

  1. Dedicate maximum time and energy to their studies and research
  2. Not earn more than 4000 ₪ a month in additional income
  3. Follow the guidelines for the School of Graduate Studies


Criteria for scholarship consideration:

  1. Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 85 and a thesis grade of 90 or above
  2. Recommendation by the Ph.D. Admissions Committee
  3. Commitment of the student's mentor to assist in funding 


Criteria to receive an elevated scholarship for outstanding students during their Ph.D. study (grants up to 125%):

  1. Final master's GPA of 94 or higher and a minimum undergraduate GPA of 89
  2. Recommendation by the Ph.D. Admissions Committee
  3. Commitment of the student's mentor to assist in funding 
  4. Full-time dedication to their studies and research


* The Admissions Committee may recommend a larger scholarship for a student whose GPA is lower than the minimum listed, based on the student's admission interview. However, students may not repeat this interview with the intent of receiving a scholarship.

**Students cannot appeal decisions of Scholarship Committee.

***Criteria is subject to change based on availability of funding to the Faculty.



Other Conditions

Doctoral candidates who meet the above criteria will be eligible to receive funding for four years, starting from the time of admission to the school. In exceptional cases, Ph.D. students can apply to extend their stipend beyond the fourth year, dependent on continued support from their mentor. 


Scholarship applications may be submitted at any time to the Scholarship Committee.


Students who fail to meet the requirements of the regulations may lose their scholarship.


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