The VECTor platform is an integrated PET/SPECT system that enables sub-mm imaging of PET and SPECT tracers separately or simultaneously with unprecedented spatial resolutions. The U-PET system is capable of performing quantitative 3D functional imaging of PET tracers at a resolution of less than 0.6 mm. It allows for both focused and whole-body imaging of rodents, both in static and dynamic PET modes. The SPECT technology offers uniform resolution down to 0.13 mm ex vivo and 0.25 mm in vivo. The stationary detectors of the VECTor allow for fast PET and SPECT imaging in both focused and whole-body modes. The U-CT system is high-speed and can scan a mouse’s total body in 5 seconds with ultra-low radiation doses, down to less than 2 mGy whole-body. By default, both mice and rats can be imaged. Optionally, the system can be upgraded to image medium-sized animals, enabling whole-body rabbit imaging. The U-CTHR system provides high-resolution imaging with reconstructed voxel resolution down to 10 μm. It is optimized for in vivo imaging, including dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) CT imaging using single- or dual-energy scans, ultra-fast fluoroscopic imaging with up to 66 frames per second, and cardiac and respiratory gating.
· Dental research
· Bone morphology and pathology
· Cardiology
· Neurology
· Oncology
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