The Myers Neuro-Behavioral Core Facility

About Us


Welcome to the Myers Neuro-Behavioral Core Facility at Tel Aviv University. We are located on the 6th floor of the Glasberg Tower, adjacent to the Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences building.


The Core Facility provides the research communities within and outside Tel Aviv University with state-of-the-art technology for performing neuro-behavioral tests in mice. The Facility offers expertise in design, implementation, and analysis of behavioral experiments.


Our Capabilities


The Core Facility includes five behavior rooms that can operate simultaneously and two animal maintenance rooms with IVC cages and a reversed light cycle. The Myers Neuro-Behavioral Core Facility currently provides services for mouse users only.




Lior Bikovski Ph.D. is the Core Facility Manager


Lior is an expert in neuro-behavioral studies. He provides consultation on experimental design and data analysis, as well as technical training for new users and assistance with scheduling the experiments. His office is located in the Core Facility.


Office: +972-3-6408701

Cell: +972-52-6682299





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