About SCGC

The Single Cell Genomics Core (SCGC) is a state-of-the-art facility offering a variety of experimental platforms to facilitate single cell analysis and genomics research.


We are working closely with TAU researchers to customize experiments to meet their needs. The Core also provides services to external institutes and collaborators interested in single cell analysis. The SCGC has the means to sort and isolate single cells and generate single cell products to use for gene expression analysis or next-generation sequencing. 


The Core houses the 10xGenomics Chromium System for single cell library preparation to sequence on the Illumina NextSeq2000.


We offer various options, either modular or a comprehensive service. We work in collaboration with The Genomics Research Unit (GRU) at Tel Aviv University, where your libraries can be sequenced or we can send them to outside companies. We also work with the Bioinformatics Unit at Tel Aviv University for analysis or we can send the data to the Weizmann Institute Bioinformatics Unit for analysis. Alternatively, the Core can prepare your libraries and provide them to you for future processing. 


The SCGC is partly funded by the Wolfson Charitable Trust, UK. 



Dr. Rami Khosravi, Ph.D.           




Academic Co- Directors:

Prof. Karen B. Avraham, Ph.D.





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