
The SCGC is equipped with the most up-to-date technology in order to provide our researchers with high-quality services.


     Equipment  Description
10X Chromium provides single cell genomics tools to explore cellular heterogeneity and identify novel cell types, states, biomarkers and targets. 

The inDrop  System is a flexible single cell transcriptome profiling analysis platform using a microfluidics system

More reading available here


The Covaris S220 is a focused-ultrasonicator designed for shearing of genomic DNA, RNA, and chromatin for sample volumes from 15 μl to 18 ml.


Qubit 4 Fluorometer is designed to accurately measure low quantities of DNA and RNA.



The Agilent 4200 TapeStation system allows for fast and simple quality assessment of RNA and DNA samples.

The Biomek 4000 Workstation provides liquid handling for genomic, drug discovery and preteomics.


Other equipment supporting single cell analysis at the Sackler interdepartmental Core Facility (SICF) are:


BD FACSAria III Sorter

BD FACSMelody™ Cell Sorter

Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer



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