Ph.D. Regulations – General

The Ph.D. program at the School of Graduate Studies aims to train future generations of biomedical researchers.


  1. Students’ area of specialization is conditional upon finding a suitable advisor. Students may suggest to their advisor an area they find interesting. Alternatively, the advisor may suggest area or areas deemed worthy of research. Decisions about the area of doctoral research must be made jointly by the student and the advisor.
  2. Research students must devote the majority of their time and effort to research. The University encourages swift publication of research findings. Parts of a doctoral research published four or five years after the onset of doctoral work may be considered outdated.
  3. To be granted a Ph.D. degree, a student must write a doctoral dissertation, in addition to any other requirements specified in the School’s and the University’s regulations for graduate students. The dissertation’s content and its form and style are equally important.
  4. In cases of conflict between Departmental regulations and University regulations, university regulations are overruling.
  5. The Ph.D. committee oversees all academic issues related to doctoral students at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, and is a subcommittee of the Council of Advanced Degrees at the School of Graduate Studies.
  6. Students accepted to the first stage of the Ph.D. Program will move on to the second stage once their research proposal is approved.
  7. In the course of their Ph.D. studies, students must submit the following items for approval by the Ph.D. committee:
    • Curricular proposal
    • Research proposal
    • Annual progress reports and a final report
    • Doctoral dissertation


All of the above must be submitted according to the requirements specified in Appendices B, C and D of the Academic Regulations for Ph.D. Students. Students submitting the above items not according to these requirements will be required to revise them.


For more information, contact the Office of the Graduate School, 211 Sackler Hall, in person or by phone: ++972-3-6407320, 6405476.


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