
The Department of Ophthalmology offers ophthalmic medical education for medical students, residents, and board certified specialists.

1. A pre-clinical course in general ophthalmology is available online at the internet site of the Sackler school of Medicine. The site is available for medical students and provides background material that should be studied before and during a clerkship in ophthalmology.


2. A clinical clerkship in ophthalmology is mandatory for all Sackler School of Medicine medical students during their 5th academic year. A one week rotation in one of the six ophthalmology departments affiliated to Tel Aviv University offers a glimpse into the diverse field of ophthalmic medicine and practice.


3. An elective clerkship in ophthalmology is offered to Sackler School of Medicine medical students during their 6th academic year. A 2-6 weeks rotation in one of the six ophthalmology departments affiliated with Tel Aviv University offers acquaintance with the various diagnostic and therapeutic interventions available in ophthalmic practice.


4. Post-graduate ophthalmic education is offered at the Graduate School of Medicine in Tel Aviv University. Several comprehensive in-depth clinically oriented courses are available for residents in ophthalmology and board certified ophthalmic physicians. Classes are located at the Sackler School of Medicine, and are offered every Tuesday from 18:00 to 21:00 during the academic year.


5. A 2-4 weeks elective ophthalmic educational program for the New York State students of the Sackler School of Medicine and for foreign medical students is provided by the clinical departments affiliated with the Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Medicine.


6. The Department of Ophthalmology offers a monthly ophthalmic clinical session for interested physicians. Ophthalmology departments from numerous hospitals across Israel present unique and challenging clinical cases encountered during daily practice. These are discussed in depth by leading ophthalmic specialists presenting novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.


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