Physiology & Pharmacology (0116)

updated: 09.01.2024

Track coordinator: Prof. Nathan Dascal



The master's program in Physiology & Pharmacology will train researchers to undertake advanced research and study in this field.




Please note that the student's curriculum must be approved by his advisor and the program coordinator. The curriculum consists of 24 graduate semester hours divided as follows:


Required Courses

  • All students are required to take departmental courses in Biostatistics, Lab Safety, Research Ethics, and Scientific Writing. These courses should be completed in the first year.
  • All students in this track are required to take a 5-hour course in Physiology or a 6-hour course in Pharmacology.
  • Those who studied Physiology and/or Pharmacology previously can get an exemption. Otherwise students have to take the courses- currently NA in English.
  • Students who are exempt from these compulsory courses will have to replace the hours (5/6) with elective courses of the Graduate School.
  • For students who work with laboratory animals, an additional course is required in the Ethical Conduct and Care of Research Animals.
  • For students basing their thesis in research from observational or interventional studies, the following courses are required: Introduction to Epidemiology, Survey and Research Methods in Epidemiology, and Biostatistics II.


Elective Courses

  • Students must take 7-9 hours of elective courses in the department (in addition to the above mentioned basic Physiology and Pharmacology courses). They can also take 8-9 hours of elective courses offered by other departments of the School of Graduate Studies.
Semester Course no. Course Name Professor Day  
Credit Notes
Mandatory Courses          
A 0103.0003.01 Safety in the Laboratory course (during the first year of studies) – no credit          
B 0404.6000.01 Biostatistics   Wednesday 11.00-14.00    
B 0103.6000.01 Research Ethics   Wednesday     One meeting - will be published
B 0103.7000.01 The Science of Scientific Writing   Wednesday 15.00-17.00   2nd half of 2nd semester - will be published
Elective courses in the department - 14 hours          
A 0116.5942.01 New Horizons in Drug Delivery Systems Prof. Ronit Satchi-Fainaro Sunday 10.00-12.00 2  
A 0103.0046.01 Basic Research Methods in Biology Prof. Noam Shomron, Prof. Carmit Levy Monday 14.00-16.00 2  
B 0116.5946.01 Sleep and Consciousness: From Neuronal Basis to Prof. Yuval Nir Thursday   3  
B 0116.5937.01 Ion Channels: Classical and Molecular Biophysics Prof. Nathan Dascal Tuesday 15.00-17.00 2  
B 0114.6573.01 Bioinformatics in the Omics Era Dr. Rani Elkon Wednesday 16.00-18.00 2  
B 0116.5932.01 Pharmacogenomics and Biomarkers in the Era of Personalized Medicine Prof. David Gurwitz TBD   2  
B 0116.5945.01 Advances in Brain Tumor Treatments and MRI Prof. Yael  Mardor     2 Not this year
B 0116.5967.01 Inter and Intra Molecular and Cellular Neurocommunication Prof. Eran Perlson     2  
General elective courses- 8 hours          
A 0103.5058.01 Workshop in Data Analysis and Graphics Editing Dr. Moran Artzi יפורסם        
A 0119.5651.01 Context and Location Based Immunity Dr. Chen Varol     2  
A 0440.3125.01 Advanced cell biology: Cellular Responses to Stress in Health and Disease          
B 0114.6545.01 Genetics in the Post-Genome Era Prof. Karen Avraham Wednesday   1  
B 0103.5061.01 Protein Modifications and Cell Signaling Prof. Hagit Eldar-     3 Not this year
B 0114.6000.01 Behavioral Genetics Prof. David Gurwitz     2 Not this year
B 0141.5062.01 Cell and Tissue Mechanobiology Prof. Ronen Zaidel-Bar Thursday 13.00-15.00 2  
B 0141.5063.01 Advanced imaging techniques Prof. Ronen Zaidel-Bar     2 Not this year
A 0119.5636.01 Molecular Imaging- Microscopy Konkflit Prof. Ilan Tsarfaty Wednesday 14.00-16.00 2  
B 0113.5557.01 Introduction to Molecular Anthropology Dr. Viviane Slon Monday 14.00-16.00 2  
B 0452.3117.01 Basic Techniques in Molecular and Cellular Biology
Life science        
B 0421.3811.01 Selected Chapters in Cancer Biology Life science        
B 0455.3036.01 Developmental Biology Life science        



Students must attend at least 25 seminars, of which 40% must be within the Department of Physiology & Pharmacology. The student will keep a record of the lectures and submit a signed form to the Secretariat confirming participation. This form is a requirement for graduation.


If a student attends a scientific conference, it is equivalent to two seminars. Please note that a student will not get approval for more than two conferences. 




Students must submit a research proposal for their thesis by the end of the second semester. The thesis will be submitted by the end of the fourth semester. Students must present their thesis topic within the Department or at a scientific conference. Their advisor must approve their thesis as a condition for completion of the master's degree.



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