Clinical Microbiology & Immunology (0119)
Track Coordinator: Dr. Ella Sklan
The master's program in Clinical Microbiology & Immunology will train researchers to undertake advanced research and study in the fields of microbiology, immunology, and cancer research.
Please note that the student's curriculum must be approved by his advisor and the program coordinator. The curriculum consists of 24 graduate semester hours divided as follows:
Required Courses |
Elective Courses |
Students must attend at least 25 seminars, of which 60% must be within the Department of Microbiology & Immunology. The student will keep a record of the lectures and submit a signed form to the Secretariat confirming participation. This form is a requirement for graduation.
If a student attends a scientific conference, it is equivalent to two seminars. Please note that a student will not get approval for more than two conferences.
Students must submit a research proposal for their thesis by the end of the second semester. The thesis will be submitted by the end of the fourth semester. Students must present their thesis topic within the Department or at a scientific conference. Their advisor must approve their thesis as a condition for completion of the master's degree.