About the Hub
The Research Hub in Immunity and Inflammation aims to elucidate the mechanisms of inflammation and immune response underlying human disease and facilitate translating laboratory discoveries into new therapies. We will initiate events and programs at TAU that highlight research advances in Immunity and Inflammation to increase the visibility and synergism of TAU researchers working with inflammation of all types and at all levels. A major goal is to catalyze greater collaboration between scientists, leading to more joint grant funding, training opportunities and international recognition of the research strengths at TAU.
- Bring together scientists working with inflammation to build an interactive community and to energize research directions
- Facilitate new interdisciplinary research opportunities and approaches
- Enhance training opportunities for researchers and students
- Encourage funding opportunities for collaborative projects
- Acquire funding for common equipment that will benefit the community of researchers working with inflammation
- Promote increased interest and visibility for researchers studying inflammation and their interactions with each other and with their hosts
Research areas:
BioMed @ TAU
Gene Therapy and Genome Editing
Molecular Biology of Aging