BioMed @ TAU

BioMed @TAU is a collective of biomedical Research Hubs at Tel Aviv University. The biomedical scientific community at TAU performs a vast array of research, encompassing basic to translational research spread across several faculties and hospitals. The Hubs gather together scientists from across the university and TAU-affiliated hospitals who share overlapping research interests. These collaborative groups host conferences and events related to their subject area in order to highlight advances in the field as well as in their own research. The Hubs also provide the opportunity to strengthen collaborative research between scientists at TAU and leverage opportunities for collaborative research, joint grant applications and external funding.


Welcome to the Biomedical research hubs at TAU
Welcome to the Biomedical research hubs at TAU
Jan. 2, 2020 group photo of speakers from Microbiome Research: New Technologies, Big Data, and Clinical Applications
Microbiomes in Health and Disease
Jan. 2, 2020 group photo of speakers from Microbiome Research: New Technologies, Big Data, and
Dec. 31, 2019 Dr. Melanie Samuel presents How to build a synapse: molecules that instruct form and function
Disorders of the Mind and Brain
Dec. 31, 2019 Dr. Melanie Samuel presents How to build a synapse: molecules that instruct form and
Symposium speakers group photo Jan 12, 2020
Taube-Koret Symposium
January 12, 2020 Toward Personalized Diagnosis and Drug Screening
The Promise of Biomed: Symposium on Joint Projects Jan 19, 2020, group photo symposium speakers
The Promise of Biomed: Symposium on Joint Projects Jan 19, 2020
Tel Aviv University and Northwestern University
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