

Nano-medicine research at Tel Aviv University focuses on:

  • Pharmaceutical nano-technologies
  • Medical micro systems technologies
  • Nano-structures of pathogens
  • Self-assembly of nano-structures in living organisms
  • Integrated bio-systems on a chip



Research highlights:


Research and publications supported by the center:


Nature-inspired peptide of MtDef4 C-terminus tail enables protein delivery in mammalian cells

Lucia Adriana Lifshits, Yoav Breuer, Marina Sova, Sumit Gupta, Dar Kadosh, Evgeny Weinberg, Zvi Hayouka, Daniel Z. Bar, and Maayan Gal

Scientific Reports 14, 4604 (2024)

Sensing of gene expression in live cells using electrical impedance spectroscopy and DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticles

Kian Kadan-Jamal, Aakash Jog, Marios Sophocleous, Tali Dotan, Polina Frumin, Tamar Kuperberg Goshen, Silvia Schuster, Adi Avni, Yosi Shacham-Diamand

Biosensors and Bioelectronics 252, 15 (2024): 116041



Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Sensor Selection for the Detection of MicroRNA Biomarkers for Acute Myocardial Infarction as a Case Study

Adi Hendler-Neumark, Verena Wulf, and Gili Bisker

ACS sensors 8.10 (2023): 3713-3722

Architecture-Based Programming of Polymeric Micelles to Undergo Sequential Mesophase Transitions

Parul Rathee, Nicole Edelstein-Pardo, Francesca Netti, Lihi Adler-Abramovich, Amit Sitt, and Roey J. Amir

ACS Macro Letters 12 (2023): 814-820


Super-Resolution Near-Infrared Fluorescence Microscopy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Deep Learning

Barak Kagan, Adi Hendler-Neumark, Verena Wulf, Dotan Kamber, Roni Ehrlich, and Gili Bisker

Advanced Photonics Research 3.11 (2022): 2200244.

Super-Resolution Radial Fluctuations (SRRF) nanoscopy in the near infrared

Roni Ehrlich, Verena Wulf, Adi Hendler-Neumark, Barak Kagan, and Gili Bisker

Optics Express 30, no. 2 (2022): 1130-1142.

Stimuli-Induced Architectural Transition as a Tool for Controlling the Enzymatic Degradability of Polymeric Micelles

Gadi Slor, Shahar Tevet, and Roey J. Amir

ACS Polymers Au 2.5 (2022): 380-386.

In vivo engineered B cells secrete high titers of broadly neutralizing anti-HIV antibodies in mice

Alessio D. Nahmad, Cicera R. Lazzarotto, Natalie Zelikson, Talia Kustin, Mary Tenuta, Deli Huang, Inbal Reuveni, Daniel Nataf, Yuval Raviv, Miriam Horovitz-Fried, Iris Dotan, Yaron Carmi, Rina Rosin-Arbesfeld, David Nemazee, James E. Voss, Adi Stern, Shengdar Q. Tsai, and Adi Barzel

Nature Biotechnology 40, no. 8 (2022): 1241-1249.

Frequent aneuploidy in primary human T cells after CRISPR–Cas9 cleavage

Alessio David Nahmad, Eli Reuveni, Ella Goldschmidt, Tamar Tenne, Meytal Liberman, Miriam Horovitz-Fried, Rami Khosravi, Hila Kobo, Eyal Reinstein, Asaf Madi, Uri Ben-David, and Adi Barzel

Nature Biotechnology 40.12 (2022): 1807-1813.

Adaptive sequencing using nanopores and deep learning of mitochondrial DNA

Danilevsky, Artem, Avital Luba Polsky, and Noam Shomron.

 Briefings in Bioinformatics 23.4 (2022): bbac251.

Engineered Riboswitch Nanocarriers as a Possible Disease-Modifying Treatment for Metabolic Disorders

Shai Zilberzwige-Tal, Danielle Gazit, Hanaa Adsi, Myra Gartner, Rahat Behl, Dana Bar-Yosef Laor, and Ehud Gazit.

ACS nano 16, no. 8 (2022): 11733-11741.

Spatiotemporal Control of Melanin Synthesis in Liquid Droplets

Massarano, Tlalit, Avigail Baruch Leshem, Michal Weitman, and Ayala Lampel.

ACS Applied Materials & interfaces 14, no. 18 (2022): 20520-20527.


Dendron–Polymer Hybrids as Tailorable Responsive Coronae of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Verena Wulf, Gadi Slor, Parul Rathee, Roey J. Amir, and Gili Bisker.

ACS nano 15, no. 12 (2021): 20539-20549.

Optical Nanosensors for Real-time Feedback on Insulin Secretion by β-Cells

Roni Ehrlich, Adi Hendler-Neumark, Verena Wulf, Dean Amir, and Gili Bisker

Small 17.30 (2021): 2101660.

Oncometabolite Fingerprinting Using Fluorescent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Dean Amir, Adi Hendler‐Neumark, Verena Wulf, Roni Ehrlich, and Gili Bisker.

Advanced Materials Interfaces 9, no. 4 (2022): 2101591.

Dynamic spatiotemporal coordination of neural stem cell fate decisions occurs through local feedback in the adult vertebrate brain

Nicolas Dray, Laure Mancini, Udi Binshtok, Felix Cheysson, Willy Supatto, Pierre Mahou, Sébastien Bedu, Sara Ortica, Emmanuel Than-Trong, Monika Krecsmarik, Sébastien Herber, Jean-Baptiste Masson, Jean-Yves Tinevez, Gabriel Lang, Emmanuel Beaurepaire, David Sprinzak, Laure Bally-Cuif

Cell Stem Cell 28.8 (2021): 1457-1472.

Tuning the Reactivity of Micellar Nanoreactors by Precise Adjustments of the Amphiphile and Substrate Hydrophobicity

Shahar Tevet, Shreyas S. Wagle, Gadi Slor, and Roey J. Amir.

Macromolecules 54, no. 24 (2021): 11419-11426.

Using High Molecular Precision to Study Enzymatically Induced Disassembly of Polymeric Nanocarriers- Direct Enzymatic Activation or Equilibrium-Based Degradation?

Gadi Slor, and Roey J. Amir.

Macromolecules 54, no. 4 (2021): 1577-1588.

Judging Enzyme-Responsive Micelles by Their Covers: Direct Comparison of Dendritic Amphiphiles with Different Hydrophilic Blocks

Gadi Slor, Alis R. Olea, Sílvia Pujals, Ali Tigrine, Victor R. De La Rosa, Richard Hoogenboom, Lorenzo Albertazzi, and Roey J. Amir.

Biomacromolecules 22, no. 3 (2021): 1197-1210.

Modification of a Single Atom Affects the Physical Properties of Double Fluorinated Fmoc-Phe Derivatives

Aviv, Moran, Dana Cohen-Gerassi, Asuka A. Orr, Rajkumar Misra, Zohar A. Arnon, Linda JW Shimon, Yosi Shacham-Diamand, Phanourios Tamamis, and Lihi Adler-Abramovich.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, no. 17 (2021): 9634.

Sulfonated Amphiphilic Poly(α)glutamate Amine—A Potential siRNA Nanocarrier for the Treatment of Both Chemo-Sensitive and Chemo-Resistant Glioblastoma Tumors

Krivitsky, Adva, Sabina Pozzi, Eilam Yeini, Sahar Israeli Dangoor, Tal Zur, Sapir Golan, Vadim Krivitsky, Nitzan Albeck, Evgeny Pisarevsky, Paula Ofek, Asaf Madi, and Ronit Satchi-Fainaro

Pharmaceutics 13, no. 12 (2021): 2199.


Progress and challenges towards CRISPR/Cas clinical translation

Daniel Rosenblum, Anna Gutkin, Niels Dammes, and Dan Peer.

Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 154 (2020): 176-186.

Targeted lipid nanoparticles for RNA therapeutics and immunomodulation in leukocytes

Veiga, Nuphar, Yael Diesendruck, and Dan Peer.

Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 159 (2020): 364-376.

CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing using targeted lipid nanoparticles for cancer therapy

Rosenblum, Daniel, Anna Gutkin, Ranit Kedmi, Srinivas Ramishetti, Nuphar Veiga, Ashley M. Jacobi, Mollie S. Schubert, Dinorah Friedmann-Morvinski, Zvi R. Cohen, Mark A. Behlke, Judy Lieberman, and Dan Peer

Science Advances 6, no. 47 (2020): eabc9450.

Metasurface-based contact lenses for color vision deficiency

Karepov, Sharon, and Tal Ellenbogen

Optics Letters 45, no. 6 (2020): 1379-1382.

Ultrashort Cell-Penetrating Peptides for Enhanced Sonophoresis-Mediated Transdermal Transport

Schnaider, Lee, Leah Shimonov, Topaz Kreiser, Dor Zaguri, Darya Bychenko, Itzchak Brickner, Sofiya Kolusheva, Alexandra Lichtenstein, Joseph Kost, and Ehud Gazit.

ACS Applied Bio Materials 3, no. 12 (2020): 8395-8401.


Leukocyte-specific siRNA delivery revealing IRF8 as a potential antiinflammatory target

Nuphar Veiga, Meir Goldsmith, Yael Diesendruck, Srinivas Ramishetti, Daniel Rosenblum, Eran Elinav, Mark A. Behlke, Itai Benhar, and Dan Peer.

Journal of Controlled Release 313 (2019): 33-41.

Utilizing Self-Immolative ATRP Initiators To Prepare Stimuli-Responsive Polymeric Films from Nonresponsive Polymers

Peles-Strahl, Leigh, Revital Sasson, Gadi Slor, Nicole Edelstein-Pardo, Adi Dahan, and Roey J. Amir

Macromolecules 52, no. 9 (2019): 3268-3277.

A Stretchable and Flexible Cardiac Tissue–Electronics Hybrid Enabling Multiple Drug Release, Sensing, and Stimulation

Feiner, Ron, Lior Wertheim, Danielle Gazit, Or Kalish, Gal Mishal, Assaf Shapira, and Tal Dvir.

Small 15, no. 14 (2019): 1805526.

Interface alloying of ultra-thin sputter-deposited Co2MnSi films as a source of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

Basha, Adham, Huarui Fu, George Levi, Gregory Leitus, Andras Kovács, Caiyin You, and Amit Kohn.

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 489 (2019): 165367.

Fs Detuning-modulated composite pulses for high-fidelity robust quantum control

Elica Kyoseva, Hadar Greener, and Haim Suchowski.

Physical Review A 100, no. 3 (2019): 032333.


Cell specific delivery of modified mRNA expressing therapeutic proteins to leukocytes

Veiga, Nuphar, Meir Goldsmith, Yasmin Granot, Daniel Rosenblum, Niels Dammes, Ranit Kedmi, Srinivas Ramishetti, and Dan Peer.

Nature Communications 9, no. 1 (2018): 4493.

Epigenetic Optical Mapping of 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine in Nanochannel Arrays

Gabrieli, Tslil, Hila Sharim, Gil Nifker, Jonathan Jeffet, Tamar Shahal, Rani Arielly, Michal Levi-Sakin, Lily Hoch, Nissim Arbib, Yael Michaeli, and Yuval Ebenstein

ACS Nano 12, no. 7 (2018): 7148-7158.

Multifunctional degradable electronic scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering

Ron Feiner, Sharon Fleischer, Assaf Shapira, Or Kalish, and Tal Dvir.

Journal of Controlled Release 281 (2018): 189-195.

Image-guided surgery using near-infrared Turn-ON fluorescent nanoprobes for precise detection of tumor margins

Rachel Blau, Yana Epshtein, Evgeni Pisarevsky, Galia Tiram, Sahar Israeli Dangoor, Eilam Yeini, Adva Krivitsky, Anat Eldar-Boock, Dikla Ben-Shushan, Hadas Gibori, Anna Scomparin, Ori Green, Yael Ben-Nun, Emmanuelle Merquiol, Hila Doron, Galia Blum, Neta Erez, Rachel Grossman, Zvi Ram, Doron Shabat, and Ronit Satchi-Fainaro

Theranostics 8, no. 13 (2018): 3437.

Amphiphilic nanocarrier-induced modulation of PLK1 and miR-34a leads to improved therapeutic response in pancreatic cancer

Gibori, Hadas, Shay Eliyahu, Adva Krivitsky, Dikla Ben-Shushan, Yana Epshtein, Galia Tiram, Rachel Blau, Paula Ofek, Joo Sang Lee, Eytan Ruppin, Limor Landsman, Iris Barshack, Talia Golan, Emmanuelle Merquiol, Galia Blum, and Ronit Satchi-Fainaro

Nature Communications 9, no. 1 (2018): 16.


Cutting-edge platforms in cardiac tissue engineering

Fleischer, Sharon, Ron Feiner, and Tal Dvir.

Current opinion in biotechnology 47 (2017): 23-29.

Tissue–electronics interfaces: from implantable devices to engineered tissues

Feiner, Ron, and Tal Dvir.

Nature Reviews Materials 3, no. 1 (2017): 1-16


Design of Controllable Bio-Inspired Chiroptic Self-Assemblies

Tao, Kai, Guy Jacoby, Luba Burlaka, Roy Beck, and Ehud Gazit

Biomacromolecules 17, no. 9 (2016): 2937-2945.

Engineered hybrid cardiac patches with multifunctional electronics for online monitoring and regulation of tissue function

Feiner, Ron, Leeya Engel, Sharon Fleischer, Maayan Malki, Idan Gal, Assaf Shapira, Yosi Shacham-Diamand, and Tal Dvir.

Nature Materials 15, no. 6 (2016): 679-685.

Fmoc-modified amino acids and short peptides: simple bio-inspired building blocks for the fabrication of functional materials

Tao, Kai, Aviad Levin, Lihi Adler-Abramovich, and Ehud Gazit.

Chemical Society Reviews 45, no. 14 (2016): 3935-3953.

Spontaneous structural transition and crystal formation in minimal supramolecular polymer model

Fichman, Galit, Tom Guterman, Joshua Damron, Lihi Adler-Abramovich, Judith Schmidt, Ellina Kesselman, Linda JW Shimon, Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy, Yeshayahu Talmon, and Ehud Gazit.

Science Advances 2, no. 2 (2016): e1500827.


Synergetic functional properties of two-component single amino acid-based hydrogels

Fichman, Galit, Tom Guterman, Lihi Adler-Abramovich, and Ehud Gazit.

CrystEngComm 17, no. 42 (2015): 8105-8112.


Fabrication of omentum-based matrix for engineering vascularized cardiac tissues

Shevach, Michal, Neta Soffer-Tsur, Sharon Fleischer, Assaf Shapira, and Tal Dvir.

Biofabrication 6, no. 2 (2014): 024101.

The physical properties of supramolecular peptide assemblies: from building block association to technological applications

Adler-Abramovich, Lihi, and Ehud Gazit.

Chemical Society Reviews 43, no. 20 (2014): 6881-6893.


Thermal and Chemical Stability of Diphenylalanine Peptide Nanotubes:  Implications for Nanotechnological Applications

Lihi Adler-Abramovich, Meital Reches, Victoria L. Sedman, Stephanie Allen, Saul JB Tendler, and Ehud Gazit.

Langmuir 22, no. 3 (2006): 1313-1320.


Self-Assembled Peptide Nanotubes Are Uniquely Rigid Bioinspired Supramolecular Structures

Kol, Nitzan, Lihi Adler-Abramovich, David Barlam, Roni Z. Shneck, Ehud Gazit, and Itay Rousso.

Nano Letters 5, no. 7 (2005): 1343-1346.


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