

Below are recent publications from our Hub members.


  Recent Publications

"Distinct Microbiotas are Associated with Ileum-Restricted and Colon-Involving Chrohn's Disease." 2016Inflamm. Bowel Dis. 22: 293-302 (PDF)

Timna Naftali, M.D., Leah Reshef, Ph.D., Amir Kovacs, M.Sc., Ron Porat, M.D., Itay Amir, Ph.D., Fred M. Konikoff, M.D., MSc, Uri Gophna, Ph.D.

"Social Evolution Selects for Redundancy in Bacterial Quorum Sensing." 2016. Plos Biology. (PDF)

Eran Even-Tov, Shira Omer Bendori, Julie Valastyan, Xiaobo Ke, Shaul Pollak,Tasneem Bareia, Ishay Ben-Zion, Bonnie L. Bassler, Avigdor Eldar

"Differences in Host Cell Invasion and Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 Expression between Salmonella enterica Serovar Paratyphi A and Nontyphoidal S. Typhimurium." 2016. Infection and Immunity 84:. 1150-1165 (PDF)

Dana Elhadad, Prerak Desai, Guntram A. Grass, Michael McClelland, Galia Rahav, Ohad Gal-Mor

"Facultative cheating supports the coexistence of
diverse quorum-sensing alleles." 
2015. PNAS 113: 2152-2157.(PDF)

Shaul Pollak, Shira Omer-Bendori, Eran Even-Tov, Valeria Lipsman, Tasneem Bareia, Ishay Ben-Zion, and Avigdor Eldar

"Persistent Infections by Nontyphoidal Salmonella in
Humans: Epidemiology and Genetics." 
2016. Clinical Infectious Diseases.(PDF)

Alex Marzel, Prerak T. Desai, Alina Goren, Yosef Ilan Schorr, Israel Nissan, Steffen Porwollik, Lea Valinsky, Michael McClelland, Galia Rahav,
and Ohad Gal-Mor

"Interactions between the intestinal microbiota and bile acids in gallstones patients." 2015. Environmental Microbiology Reports.(PDF)

Nirit Keren, Fred M. Konikoff, Yossi Paitan, Gila Gabay, Leah Reshef, Timna Naftali, Uri Gophna


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