Message from the Head of the School

Prof Ronit Sagi-Eisenberg

The School of Graduate Studies at the TAU Sackler Faculty of Medicine is devoted to research excellence and to shaping the future leaders of biomedicine in Israel. Many of the School’s graduates hold key positions in academia and the bio-pharmaceutical industry.




The School of Graduate Studies grants the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. The School’s main mission is to train Israel’s future biomedical scientists and researchers.




The School of Graduate Studies offers a wide range of top-quality courses, providing students with cutting-edge knowledge of the latest developments in biomedical science. The School’s teachers are leaders in their respective fields. In addition to courses, the School offers a training program based on direct mentorship and student participation in groundbreaking research at the School’s research laboratories. The laboratories are located on the TAU campus and in research institutes at hospitals affiliated to the Sackler Faculty of Medicine.



Research Advisors

Graduate students are advised by world-leading experts in their respective fields of research. Numerous members of the School’s faculty have won professional acclaim in Israel and abroad, with many winning the prestigious Israel Award and Teva Award.




The School of Graduate Studies has several committees responsible for each of following areas of activity: M.Sc. studies, Ph.D. studies, teaching, scholarships, M.D./Ph.D. studies and student appeals. Each committee is headed by a committee chair and run by an administrative coordinator.




Student scholarships are allocated by the School’s Scholarship Committee. Outstanding students are granted expanded scholarships.




The School of Graduate Studies is the largest graduate school at TAU, with 1,050 students, including 700 in the biomedical sciences (430 in the Ph.D. program; 270 in the M.Sc. program).


The School of Graduate Studies is dedicated to offering each student personal advising and individual attention, in order to ensure student satisfaction and help each student attain his or her highest accomplishments.


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