Vision & Leadership

We believe that Synergy Translate Initiative offers a unique platform to spark cooperation on innovative ideas, novel approaches, and groundbreaking solutions.


In addressing the challenges of modern medicine, the Synergy Translate Initiative aims to foster collaboration and strengthen connections between clinical and pre-clinical researchers, with shared fields of interest. This network will provide valuable opportunities to build a new relationships, foster learning and inspire the proffetional community.


The initiative comprises 11 Synergy Translate clusters, each focused on cutting-edge research topics, including Genomics; Bioimaging and AI; Immunotherapy; Nervous System; Autoimmune Diseases; Neuroscience and Rehabilitation; Autism; Eye, Heart, and Skin Diseases; and Public Health.


Faculty members are welcome to affiliate with multiple clusters, enabling interdisciplinary engagement.


Synergy Translate organizes events and seminars that provide researchers with meaningful opportunities to meet, connect, and collaborate. These gatherings highlight the importance of cooperation and showcase inspiring examples of successful partnerships in research.


Meet Our Leadership


The Synergy Translate Initiative is guided by a team of esteemed leaders who are committed to fostering collaboration and innovation in the field of medicine. The dynamic leadership team is committed to inspiring new partnerships, fostering meaningful connections and facilitating the exchange of cutting-edge ideas in the medical community.


Prof. Karen Avraham

Karen's Profile >>

Prof. Benjamin Dekel

Benjamin's Profile >>

Prof. Ronen Zaidel-Bar

Ronen's Profile >>


By working together, we can achieve remarkable advancements in health and medicine for the future.


Explore Our Initiatives >>


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