
A guide dog being trained at the TAU campus

Special Accommodations for Students with Learning Disabilities

The New York State/American Program recognizes the special needs of students with learning disabilities and is prepared to aid them in maximizing their educational experience. Students who identify themselves as having special educational requirements and who provide documentation of their specific disability will receive special accommodations according to their individual needs. The decision to provide special accommodations for a student will be reached after an interview with the Program Director and a review of supporting documents by the professional staff of the program.


Special accommodations may include, when possible:

  • Special seating assignments
  • Permission to use tape recorders in lectures
  • Permission to use calculators in exams (except Shelf exams)
  • Private seating for written exams
  • Extended time for examinations
  • Alternative or modified assignments
  • Individual counseling


We strive to improve the well-being and educational experiences of all of our students. We hope that these special accommodations will contribute towards enhancing the performance and achievements of our students with special needs. 


Accessibility at TAU

Tel Aviv University believes that all of its students and staff should be entitled to equal access to university facilities, resources and activities, regardless of physical, sensory or mental limitations and disabilities. TAU strives to provide a safe and welcoming environment for people with disabilities and makes accessibility a priority in designing and upgrading the TAU campus.


All TAU buildings are currently wheelchair accessible and the overwhelming majority are equipped with elevators. Some classrooms and lecture halls contain designated spaces for wheelchairs and in the rest space is allocated by TAU staff upon request.


Offering support, assistance and encouragement

Tel Aviv University has charged the Dean of Students with ensuring the welfare of students with disabilities. The Dean of Students' office currently provides support and academic assistance to students with disabilities through sponsorships, counseling services and technological study aids.


For additional information please contact the Executive Assistant to the Director General on Accessibility Issues, Anat Koren Dror at

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