APPD Events

Engaging Events: Monthly Seminars, Conferences, and the Israeli Parkinson Congress

APPD Events

1. Modifying Parkinson's disease progression: Searching for a cure, June 13, 2019

  1. Prodromal Parkinson - Prof. Susan Bressman
  2. Parkinson's disease among Ashkenazi Jews - Prof. Sharon Hassin-Baer
  3. Disease modifying therapies in Parkinson's disease - Prof. Werner Poewe
  4. Biomarkers in prodromal Parkinson - Prof. Anat Mirelman
  5. Genetic modifiers in Parkinson's disease - Prof. Avi Orr-Urtreger
  6. Inhibiting aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins as a strategy for treating neurodegeneration - Prof. Daniel Segal
  7. Is Parkinson a prion disease? - Prof. Jeffrey H Kordower
  8. The role of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson's pathogenesis - Dr. Avraham Ashkenazi
  9. Gene and cell therapy in Parkinson's disease - Prof. Dani Offen

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2. Prodromal Parkinson 2020 Webinar, March 31, 2020

  1. Prodromal Parkinson - Prof. Nir Giladi
  2. Focusing on LRRK 2 and GBA PD - Prof. Avner Thaler
  3. Protective approach by behavioral modification in Prodromal Parkinson - Prof. Sharon Hassin-Baer
  4. Objective measures in Prodromal Parkinson - Prof. Anat Mirelman
  5. Parkinson’s in Ashkenazim as a world-wide model for genetic risk, protection and epigenetics - Prof. Avi Orr-Urtreger
  6. Genetic counseling to subjects at risk - Dr. Penina Ponger

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3. TAU-Aufzien Virtual Parkinson's disease Course for the Pharmaceutical Industry, November 24-26, 2020

  1. Pathophysiology - Prof. Nir Giladi
  2. Clinical course - Prof. Werner Poewe
  3. Treatment - Prof. Sharon Hassin-Baer
  4. Study design - Dr. Sheila Oren
  5. Outcomes measures - Prof. Olivier Rascol
  6. What is in the pipeline? - Dr. Jesse Cedarbaum
  7. Wearables - Prof. Anat Mirelman
  8. Biological markers - Dr. Roy N. Alcalay
  9. Imaging - Dr. Avner Thaler

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4. Parkinson's disease: From basic mechanisms to treatment and prevention, November 17, 2022

  1. Using stem cells to model and treat Parkinson’s disease - Dr. Clive Svendsen
  2. Shared and distinct phenotypes of Parkinson’s disease patient-derived dopaminergic neurons - Prof. Shani Stern
  3. Attenuation of synaptic function by alpha-synuclein depends on the synapsins: mapping of their binding sites - Dr. Daniel Gitler
  4. Alpha-synuclein-driven pathophysiologies underlying nonmotor parkinsonian symptoms - Dr. Joshua Goldberg
  5. Alpha-synuclein synaptic dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease: A target for therapy - Prof. Maria Grazia Spillantini
  6. Restoration of dopamine neurons in animal models of Parkinson's disease via activation of HIF, cell cycle and mitochondrial biogenesis - Prof. Moussa B.H. Youdim
  7. Role of SIAH proteins in PINK1 homeostasis: Implications for mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson's disease - Prof. Simone Engelender
  8. The role of local protein synthesis in axon degeneration - Prof. Eran Perlson
  9. Therapeutic strategies targeting alpha-synuclein for Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia - Dr. Pamela McLean
  10. Alpha-synuclein: A physiological function in vesicle traffic and the implications to the pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease - Prof. Ronit Sharon
  11. What is the biological function of alpha-synuclein - Prof. Philipp Selenko
  12. Influence of membrane phospholipids on α-synuclein pathological behavior - Dr. Avraham Ashkenazi
  13. Mapping microstructural gradients of the human striatum in Parkinson’s disease - Prof. Aviv Mezer
  14. A new platform for diagnosis of alpha-synuclein aggregates using super resolution microscopy - Prof. Uri Ashery
  15. Detection and biology of alpha-synuclein conformational strains - Prof. Claudio Soto

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