APPD Travel Grant Submission
We are pleased to announce a call for Travel Grants from The Aufzien Family Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (APPD) in the amount of up to $1,000 each to cover all or part of the cost of active participation in an international meeting, workshop or course in fields related to mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Parkinson’s disease.
Applications can be submitted at any time. Answers will be provided within 1 month of submission. All travel must be coordinated through the Travel Authority at TAU, subject to the rules of the University.
Applications should upload a single PDF file below in English and include:
- Short CV (not exceeding 2 pages)
- Official flyer of meeting, workshop or course. Abstract of the poster or lecture to be presented. In the case of a course or workshop, provide a letter of invitation from the host stating the nature of the course or research.
- After acceptance, submission of notice of acceptance required.
- Name of meeting, date and location where the meeting is being held.
A letter of recommendation from the applicant's MSc or PhD advisor, describing importance of conference for research project should be sent directly to by the referee.
- Applications for the APPD travel grant are open to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, laboratory managers and research assistants employed by TAU at the Faculties of Medicine, Life Sciences, Exact Sciences, and Engineering, and Schools of Psychology and Sagol School of Neuroscience.
- The grant is not open to principal investigators.
Rules and regulations
- Every application will undergo a review by the Steering Committee of the APPD.
- The scholarships are not retroactive; applications must be submitted prior to event.
- Recipients must use the allocated budget within one year of the award.
- Applications that are incomplete will not be considered.
- The scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis and subject to availability of the budget.
- After the funded meeting, workshop or course, the awardee must submit a brief (~1 page) report of the event and the contribution to the research. Photographs of presentations are encouraged.
By submission, the applicants are undertaking to attend the yearly APPD International Conference/Semester workshop/monthly seminar.