Imaging Life with the Emerging Frontiers in Spatial and Temporal Resolution

Advanced Imaging Center (AIC)

10 November 2019, 13:15 
Tel Aviv University  
Imaging Life with the Emerging Frontiers in Spatial and Temporal Resolution
Teng-Leong Chew, the Director for the Advanced Imaging Center (AIC) at HHMI Janelia Research Campus, will visit our University on November 10th. 
This program allows researchers from all over the world to conduct experiments using the cutting-edge microscopy technologies developed in Janelia before commercialization and free of charge. 
You can find further information on their website.
If you would like to meet with him, please send an email to Miriam.
Imaging Life with the Emerging Frontiers in Spatial and Temporal Resolution
Nov. 10th at 13:15, Dolphi Auditorium, Sackler Faculty of Medicine.
Abstract: Visualizing and understanding complex biological processes demand the integrated efforts of biologists and physicists. As instrument developers continue to push the frontiers of what biologists can visualize with the latest technologies, the mission of the Advanced Imaging Center (AIC) is to make cutting edge imaging technologies developed at Janelia widely accessible, and at no cost, to scientists outside of Janelia, before the instruments are commercially available. Operating strategically at the interface of engineering and biological applications, the AIC is positioned to empower investigators with tools currently not widely available elsewhere. In alignment with Janelia's philosophy of encouraging bold and risky science, the AIC welcomes proposals with high-risk-high-gain projects that may challenge the current paradigm. In fact, it serves as an ideal platform for researchers to test out their novel ideas with the emerging microscopy technologies, fully supported by Janelia's in-house imaging experts and research infrastructure. This talk will describe the cutting-edge science that has been made possible by this fleet of newly developed instruments, and the peer-review program through which non-Janelia scientists could access these technologies. 
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