
APPD Center Goals



The Aufzien Family Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease at Tel Aviv University, in collaboration with the Neurological Institute at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, deepens the understanding of and develops novel treatments for Parkinson's Disease.


  • Expands the understanding of the molecular basis and biological mechanisms of PD
  • Identifies PD biomarkers
  • Develops technologies and/or drug candidates for pre-clinical and clinical evaluation
  • Promotes a productive exchange of ideas among academia, hospitals, physicians, paramedical teams, HMO and industry
  • Become a


The APPD Center has become a world-renowned hub of R&D in the field. The Center supports a holistic process that encompasses the entire drug development cycle from basic research through commercialization. This includes garnering a deep understanding of the progression of the disease, as well as developing interventions.


The Center: 


  • Supports novel basic research projects
  • Develops and validates biological markers in the lab and clinics at TAU and TAU-affiliated medical centers and HMO's
  • Develops and tests non-pharmacological interventional technologies for prevention and modulation of disease
  • Tests drug candidates for viability at TAU's state-of-the-art Blavatnik Center for Drug Discovery
  • Jump starts clinical trials on successful drug candidates via TAU's SPARK Global Initiative for Translational Medicine
  • Patents and licenses successful drugs through Ramot, TAU's commercialization company





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