Elective Certificate

A Certificate of Elective Attendance can only be obtained by a registered participant in "TAU's Elective Program" https://en-med.tau.ac.il/Elective-Certificate-Evaluation


The participant must submit to our office an official signed & stamped department's document of actual attendance (which is a regular requirement for MD study curriculum) in a clearly emailed PDF to elective@tauex.tau.ac.il, in order to receive a Certificate of Elective Attendance signed by our Dean and Program Coordinator.


Forms received from students' schools are subject to the discretion of the Electives Program.


Note: It is the participant's responsibility to request an elective confirmation no later than the end of the elective period.


Our departments do not keep records of procedures, attendance periods, or evaluations of program participants.  


A scanned copy will be emailed to you & the original will be mailed to the address provided. 


The above guidelines are non-negotiable.

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